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  1. Subramaniapillai, S, Suri, S., Barth, C., Maximov, I. I., Voldsbekk, I., van der Meer, D., Gurholt, T.P., Beck, D., Andreassen O.A., Draganski, B., Ebmeier, K., Westlye, L.T. & de Lange, A-M.G. Sex- and age-specific associations between cardiometabolic risk and white matter brain age in the UK Biobank cohort

  2. de Lange, A-M.G., Anatürk, M.„ Rokicki, J., Han, L.K.M., Franke, K., Alnæs, D., Ebmeier, K., Draganski, B., Kaufmann, T., Westlye, L. T. Hahn, T. & Cole, J. H. Mind the gap: performance metric evaluation in brain-age prediction. 

  3. Rokicki, J, Kaufmann, T., de Lange, A-M.G, van der Meer, D., Sartorius, A., Steen, N.E., Schwarz, E., Stein, D., Nærland, T., Andreassen, O.A., Westlye, L.T., & Quintana, D. Spatio-temporal alterations of oxytocin receptor expression in the human brain across development. 

  4. Beck, D., de Lange, A-M.G., Alnæs, D., Maximov, I., Pedersen, M. L., Leinhard, O. D., Linge, J., Simon, R.,Richard, G., Ulrichsen, K.M., K.M., Dørum, E., KolskaÌŠr, K., Sander, A-M., Winterton, A., Gurholt, T., Kaufmann, T., Stten, N. E., Nordvik, J.E., Andreassen, O.A. & Westlye, L. T. (2022) Adipose tissue distribution from body MRI is associated with cross-sectional and longitudinal brain age in adults. 

  5. Lund, M., Alnæs, D., de Lange, A-M.G., Andreassen, O.A., Westlye, L.T., & Kaufmann, T. (2021) Brain age prediction using fMRI network coupling in youths and associations with psychiatric symptoms. 

  6. Beck, D., de Lange, A-M.G., Pedersen, M. L., Alnæs, Maximov, I., Voldsbekk, I., D., Richard, G., Sanders, A-M., Ulrichsen, K.M., Dørum, E., KolskaÌŠr, K., Høgestøl, E. A., Steen, N. E., Djurovic, S., Andreassen, O.A., Nordvik, J.E., Kaufmann, T. & Westlye, L. T. (2021) Cardiometabolic risk factors associated with brain age and accelerated brain ageing

  7. Winterton, A, Bettella, F., de Lange, A-M.G., Haram, M., Steen, N.E., Westlye, L.T., Andreassen, O.A., & Quintana, D. (2021) Oxytocin pathway polygenic risk scores for severe mental disorder and metabolic phenotypes in the UK Biobank.

  8. Jansen, M. G., Griffanti, L., Mackay, C. E, Anatürk, M., Melazzini, L., de Lange, A-M.G., Filippini, N., Zsoldos, E., Wiegertjes, K., de Leeuw, F.E., Singh-Manoux, A., Kivimäki, M., Ebmeier, K.P.,& Suri, S. T. Association of cerebral small vessel disease burden with brain structure and vascular and cognitive trajectories in mid-to-late life. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism. 

  9. de Lange, A-M.G., Kaufmann, T., Quintana, D.S., Winterton, A., Andreassen, O. A., Westlye, L. T., & Ebmeier, K. (2021) Prominent health problems, socioeconomic deprivation, and higher brain age in lonely and isolated individuals: A population-based study. Behavioural Brain Research. 

  10. Sanders, A-M., Richard, G., KolskaÌŠr, K., Ulrichsen, K., Kaufmann, T., Alnæs, D., Beck, D., Dørum, E. S., de Lange, A-M.G., Nordvik, J.E., & Westlye, L. T. (2021) Linking brain structure with objective measures of physical activity and capability in healthy adults aged 65 to 89 years.

  11. Voldsbekk, I., Barth, C., Maximov, I. I., Kaufmann, T., Beck, D., Richard, G., Moberget, T., Westlye, L. T & de Lange, A-M.G. (2021) A history of previous childbirths is linked to women’s white matter brain age in midlife and older age. 

  12. Maximov, I. I., van der Meer, D., de Lange, A-M.G., Kaufmann, T., Shadrin, A., Frei, O., Wolfers, T., Westlye, L. T. (2021) Fast qualitY conTrol meThod foR derIved diffUsion Metrics (YTTRIUM) in big data analysis: UK Biobank 18608 example. 

  13. de Lange, A-M.G., Jacobs, E. G. & Galea, L.A.M (2021) Editorial: The scientific body of knowledge: Whose body does it serve? A spotlight on women’s brain health. 

  14. 14. Beck, D, de Lange, A-M.G, Maximov, I., Andreassen, O. A., Nordvik, J. E., & Westlye, L. T. (2021) White matter microstruc- ture across the adult lifespan: A mixed longitudinal and cross-sectional study using advanced diffusion models and brain-age prediction

  15. Hellstrøm, T., Andelic, N., Helseth, E., Eikli, K., de Lange, A-M.G., & Westlye, L. T. (2021) Apolipoprotein e4 status and brain structure 12 months after mild traumatic injury: brain age prediction using brain morphometry and diffusion tensor imaging. 

  16. Anatürk, M., Kaufmann, T., Cole, J.H., Suri, S., Griffanti, L., Filippini, N., Zsoldos, E., Westlye, T., Ebmeier, K. & de Lange, A-M.G. (2020) Prediction of brain age and cognitive age: quantifying cognitive reserve and brain maintenance in aging. 

  17. Barth, C., Nerland, S., de Lange, A-M.G, Wortinger, L. A., Hilland, E., Andreassen, O.A., Jørgensen, K. N., & Agartz, I. (2020) In vivo amygdala nuclei volumes across the schizophrenia-bipolar spectrum. 

  18. de Lange, A-M.G, Barth, C., Kaufmann, T., Anatürk, Suri, S., M., Ebmeier, K. P., & Westlye, L. T. (2020) The maternal brain: region-specific patterns of brain aging are traceable decades after childbirth.

  19. Barth, C. & de Lange, A-M.G. (2020) Towards an understanding of womens brain aging: the immunology of pregnancy and menopause.

  20. Rokicki, J., Wolfers, T., Nordhøy, W., Teslia, N., Quintana, D. S., Alnæs, D., Richard, G., de Lange, A-M.G., Lund, M. J., Nor- bom, L., Agartz, I., Melle, I., Nærland, T., Selbækh, G., Persson, K., Nordvik, J. E., Schwarz, E., Andreassen, O. A., Kaufmann, T., & Westlye, L. T. (2020) Multimodal imaging improves brain age prediction and reveals distinct abnormalities in patients with psychiatric and neurological disorders. 

  21. de Lange, A-M.G, Anatürk, M., Kaufmann, T., Cole, J., Griffanti, L., Zsoldos, E., Jensen, D., Suri, S., Filippini, N., Singh-Manoux, A., Kivimäki, M., Westlye, L. T., & Ebmeier, K. (2020) Multimodal brain-age prediction and cardiovascular risk: The Whitehall II MRI study

  22. Walhovd, K.B., BraÌŠthen, A.C.S., Panizzon., M.S, Mowinckel, A. M., Sørensen, Ø., de Lange, A-M.G., Krogsrud, S. K., HaÌŠberg, A., Franz, C., Kremen, W. & Fjell, A. M. (2020) Within-session verbal learning slope is predictive of lifespan delayed recall, hippocampal volume, and memory training benefit, and is heritable. 

  23. de Lange A-M.G*, Barth, C*., Kaufmann. Maximov, I., van der Meer, D., T., Agartz, I., & Westlye, L. T. (2020) Women’s brain aging: effects of sex-hormone exposure, pregnancies, and genetic risk for Alzheimer’s disease. *joint first authorship.

  24. de Lange, A-M.G & Cole, J.H. (2020) Commentary: Correction procedures in brain-age prediction. 

  25. BraÌŠthen, A.C.S., de Lange, A-M.G., Fjell, A.M. & Walhovd, K.B. (2020) Risk- and protective factors for memory plasticity in aging.

  26. Tønnesen, S., Kaufmann,T., de Lange, A-M.G., Richard, G, Doan, N. T., Alnæs, D., van der Meer, D., Rokicki, J., Moberget, T., Maximov., I. I., Agartz, I., Aminoff, S. R., Beck, D., Barch, D., Beresniewicz, J., Cervenka, S., Bergman, H. F., Craven, A. R., Flyckt, L., Gurholt, T. P., Haukvik, U. K., Hugdahl, K., Johnsen, E., Jönsson, E. G., KolskaÌŠr, K. K., Kompus, K., Kroken, R. A., Lagerberg, T. V., Løberg, E. M., Nordvik, J E., Sanders, A. M., Ulrichsen, K., Andreassen, O. A., Westlye, L. T. (2020) Brain age prediction reveals aberrant brain white matter in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder: A multi-sample diffusion tensor imaging study. 

  27. de Lange, A-M.G., Kaufmann, T., van de Meer, D., Maglanoc, L., Alnæs, D., Moberget, T., Douaud, G., Andreassen, O.A., & Westlye, L.T. (2019) Population-based neuroimaging reveals traces of childbirth in the maternal brain

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