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We are moving the field of women's brain health research forward


Using state-of-the art computational modelling and biostatistics for neuroimaging (MRI) data, we study how biological, genetic, and psychosocial factors influence female brain structure and function throughout life. 


Brain development and ageing


Cardiometabolic health


Pregnancy and menopause


Genetic influences

City Landscape

Biological and psychosocial risk factors



Dr Ann-Marie de Lange


CHUV/Uni Oxford/Uni Oslo

PhD (Cognitive Neuroscience), Cand. psychol (clinical Psychologist)

Louise Schindler


CHUV/Uni Oxford/Uni Oslo

MSc (Translational Neurosience)

Dr Sivaniya Subramaniapillai



PhD (Cognitive neuroscience)


FemiLab is funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation and based at Lausanne University Hospital (CHUV). We collaborate closely with researchers across several institutions in Europe and abroad.



Dr Claudia Barth


Diakonhjemmet Hospital/Uni Oslo

PhD (Neuroscience, Neurobiology)


Arielle Crestol

FemHealth project

Uni Oslo

MSc (Integrated Program in Neuroscience)


Hannah Oppenheimer

FemHealth project

Uni Oslo

MSc (Cognitive Neuroscience)

Madelene Holm

Women's health

Uni Oslo

MSc (Cognitive and clinical neuroscience)


Dr Ananthan Ambikairajah

University of Canberra

PhD (Neuroscience, Neurobiology)

Women's NeuroNetwork provides a networking platform for neuroscience researchers who identify as women. With members across Europe, USA, and Canada, WNN advocates for diversity in academia and hosts events to promote academic independence and collaboration across labs. 



Ann-Marie's TEDx talk is now online - thank you TEDx Zürich for the opportunity to highlight the importance of women's health research. Watch here: Breaking the Silence on Women's Health


We're very happy to welcome PhD student Hannah Oppenheimer to the team! She'll work with Claudia on the FemHealth project 

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FemiLab at the 2023 FemTech summit in Basel! Lot's of inspiring talks and workshops - more info here:


An honour to be featured in this gem from Sarah McKay - visit her website here:

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Louise had a very productive research stay at University of Oxford's Big Data Institute (BDI) and Centre for Human Brain Activity (OHBA) spring 2023 - stay tuned for interesting results! We thank drs Anya Topiwala, Sana Suri, Klaus Ebmeier & co for the collaboration, much appreciated! 


Sivaniya presented her poster on intersectionality at the OSSD Annual Meeting! Very important perspectives that are often overlooked in health research. Stay tuned for her work on #intersectionality!


We're very happy to welcome Ananthan to the team! See his website for more info:

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The WNN webinar on family planning in academia was very successful, thanks to all our great speakers! Summary and more info available here:

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We're happy to welcome Arielle to the team! Stay tuned for upcoming results from Arielle and Claudia's project 'Linking menopause, history of depression, and proxies of biological aging in the UK Biobank cohort'


Louise and Sivaniya represented FemiLab at the Annual Meeting of the NeuroLeman Network, great work!

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The WNN webinar on science communication with Jo Browning and Dr Dan Quintana was really interesting and inspiring, great talks! More info here:


We hosted the WNN kick-off event 'Gender bias in Academia' with Dr Llorens, Ass. Prof. Tzovara, and Dr Suri - great talks and discussions! Info here:


Ann-Marie featured in the BBC documentary film 'A Mother's Brain' - great work by Melissa Hogenboom (and congrats with two Webby awards; the people's vote and the judges vote)!

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Claudia interviewed in FemTech! Read it here:


Ann-Marie had a Keynote talk at the Annual Congress of the Swiss Neurological Society Nov 2021. Great conference - a big thank you to the organisers!

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Our editorial for the special issue on women's brain health is now published in Frontiers in Neuroendocrinology:


Ann-Marie guests Jodi Pawluwski's podcast ‘Mommy Brain Revisited: the neuroscience of parenting’ - see Jodi's website with links here:


Women’s NeuroNetwork launches with members across Europa, Canada, and the USA! Want to join us? Click here:


Ann-Marie interviewed in the Norwegian science magazine, see link here (text in in Norwegian):


Our FemiLab 2021 summer project got published in Human Brain Mapping - excellent work by  Sivaniya!

Pregnant Woman

Very nice research highlight in an 'Inspire the Mind' blog post by Dr Jodi Pawluski - thank you Jodi!



Women's NeuroNetwork:



  1. Subramaniapillai, S., Schindler, L.S., Redmond, P., Bastin, M.E., Wardlaw, J.M., (....), Cox, S.R., Schott, J.M., Cole, J.H., de Lange, A-M.G. (2024) Sex-Dependent Effects of Cardiometabolic Health and APOE4 on Brain Age: A Longitudinal Cohort Study (Neurology)

  2. Martínez-García, M., Jacobs, E., de Lange, A-M.G, & Carmona, S. (2024) Advancing the neuroscience of human pregnancy. (Nature Neuroscience)

  3. de Lange, A-M.G, Leonardsen, E., Barth., Schindler, L.S., Crestol, A., Subramaniapillai, S., Hill, D., Alnæs, D., & Westlye, L. T. (2024) Parental status and markers of brain and cellular age: A 3D convolutional network and classification study (Psychoneuroendocrinology) 

  4. Ambikairajah, A., Khondoker, M., Morris, E., de Lange, A-M.G., Saleh, R.N.M., Minihane, A.M., & Hornberger, M. (2024) Investigating the synergistic effects of hormone replacement therapy, APOE and age on brain health in the UK Biobank (Human Brain Mapping)

  5. Korbmacher, M., van der Meer, D., Beck. D., de Lange, A-M.G., Eikefjord, E., Lundervold, A., Andreassen, O.A., Westlye, L.T., & Maximov, I.I. (2024) Brain asymmetries from midlife to old adulthood and hemispheric brain age. (Nature Communications)

  6. Sartorius, A.M., Rokicki, J., Bettella, F., Barth, C., de Lange, A-M.G., Haram, M., Shadri, A., Winterton, A., Steen, N.E., Schwarz, E., Stein, D.J., Andreassen, O.A., van der Meer, D., Westly, L.T., Theofanopoulou C., & Quintana D. (2024) An evolutionary timeline of the oxytocin signaling pathway. Communications Biology

  7. Schindler, L.S., Subramaniapillai, S., Ambikairajah, A., Barth, C., Crestol, A., Voldsbekk, I., Beck, D., Gurholt, T.P., Topiwala, A., Suri, S., Ebmeier, K. P., Draganski, B., Andreassen O.A., Westlye, L. T., & de Lange, A-M.G. (2023) Cardiometabolic health across menopausal years is linked to white matter hyperintensities up to a decade later. (Frontiers in Global Women's Health)

  8. Barth, S., Crestol, A., de Lange, A-M.G & Galea, L. (2023) Sex Steroids and The Female Brain Across the Lifespan: Insights into Risk of Depression and Alzheimer’s Disease. (The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology)

  9. Subramaniapillai, S., Galea, L., Einstein, G., & de Lange, A-M.G. (2023) Perspective: Sex and gender in health research: Intersectionality matters. (Frontiers in Neuroendocrinology)

  10. Pasin, C., Consiglio, C.R., Huisman, J.S., de Lange, A-M.G, Peckham, H., Vallego-Y ̈ague, E., Abela, I., Islander,U., Neuner-Jehle, N., Pujantell, M., Roth, O., Schirmer, M., Tepekule, B., Zeeb, M., Hachfeld, A., Aebi-Popp. K., Kouyos, R., & Bonhoeffer, S. (2023) Sex and gender in infection and immunity: Addressing the bottlenecks from basic science to public health and clinical applications. (Royal Society Open Science)

  11. Anatürk, M., Patelc, R., Newby, D., Topiwala, A., de Lange, A-M.G., Cole, J. H., Jansen, M., Ebmeier, K.P., Singh-Manoux, A., Kivimäki, M., & Suri,S. (2023) Development and Validation of a Dementia Risk Score in the UK Biobank and Whitehall II Cohorts. (BMJ Mental Health)

  12. Korbmacher, M., Gurholt, T.P., de Lange, A-M.G, van der Meer, D., Beck, D., Eikefjord, E., Lundervold, A., Andreassen, O.A., Westlye, L. & Maximov, I. I. (2023) Bio-psycho-social factors’ associations with brain age: a large-scale UK Biobank diffusion study of 35,749 participants (Frontiers in Psychology)

  13. Korbmacher, M., de Lange, A-M.G, van der Meer, D., Beck, D., Eikefjord, E., Lundervold, A., Westlye, L., Andreassen, O.A., & Maximov, I. I. (2023) Brain-wide associations between white matter and age highlight the role of fornix microstructure in brain ageing (Human Brain Mapping).

  14. Leonardsen, E.H., Vidal-Piñeiro, D., Roe, J.M., Frei, O., Shadrin, A.A., Iakunchykova, O., de Lange, A-M.G, Kaufmann, T., Andreassen, O.A., Wolfers, T., Westlye, L.T., Wang, Y. (2023) Genetic architecture of brain age and its casual relations with brain and mental disorders (Molecular Psychiatry)

  15. Trofimova, O., Latypova, A., DiDomenicantonio, G., Lutti, A., de Lange, A-M.G, Kliegel, M., Stringhini, S., Marques-Vidal, P., Vaucher, J., Vollenweider, P., Strippoli, M.P.F., Preisig, M., Kherif, F., & Draganski, B. (2023) Topography of associations between cardiovascular risk factors and myelin loss in the ageing human brain. Communications Biology

  16. Holm, M., Leonardsen, E., Beck D., Dahl, A., Kjelkenes, R., de Lange, A-M.G., & Westlye, L.T. (2023) Linking brain maturation and puberty during early adolescence using longitudinal brain age prediction in the ABCD cohort.

  17. Voldsbekk, I., Kjelkenes, R., Wolfers, T., Dahl, A., Lund, M.J., Kaufmann, T., Fernandez-Cabello, S., de Lange, A-M.G., Tamnes, C.K., Andreassen, O.A., Westlye, L.T., Alnæs, D. (2023) Shared pattern of impaired social communication and cognitive ability in the youth brain across diagnostic boundaries.

  18. Løchen, A.R., Kolskår, K.K., de Lange, A-M.G., Sneve, M.H., Haatveit B.,, Lagerberg, T.V., Ueland, T., Melle, I., Andreassen, O.A., Westlye, L.T., Alnæs, D. (2023) Visual processing deficits in patients with schizophrenia spectrum and bipolar disorders and associations with psychotic symptoms, and intellectual abilities.

  19. Sjøveian Lindseth, L.R., de Lange, A-M.G, van der Meer, D., Agartz I., Westlye, L.T., Tamnes, C. & Barth, C. (2022) Associations between reproductive history, hormone use, APOE ε4 genotype and cognition in middle- to older-aged women from the UK Biobank.

  20. van der Meer, D., Gurholt, T.P., Sønderby, I.E., Shadrin, A.A., Hindley, G., Rahman, Z., de Lange, A-M.G, Beck, D., Frei, O., Leinhard, O.D., Linge, J., Simon, R., Westlye, L.T., Halvorsen, S., Karlsen T. H., Kaufmann, & T., Andreassen, O.A. (2022) The link between liver fat and cardiometabolic diseases is highlighted by genome-wide association study of MRI-derived measures of body composition. 

  21. Schindler, L.S., Subramaniapillai, S., Barth, C., van der Meer, D., Pedersen, M.L., Kaufmann, T., Maximov, I., Linge, J., Dahlqvist Leinhard, O., Beck, D., Gurholt, T.P., Voldsbekk, I., Suri, S., Ebmeier, K.P., Draganski, B., Andreassen, O.A., Westlye, L.T., de Lange, A-M.G. (2022) Associations between abdominal adipose tissue, reproductive span, and brain characteristics in post-menopausal women.

  22. Aamodt, E.B., Alnæs, D., de Lange, A-M.G., Aam, S., Schellhorn, T., Saltvedt, I., Beyer, M.K., Westlye, L.T.(2022) Longitudinal brain age prediction and cognitive function after stroke.

  23. Leonardsen, E., Peng, H., Kaufmann, T., Agartz, I., Andreassen, O.A., Celius, E.H., Espeseth, T., Harbo, H., Høgestøl, E.A., de Lange, A-M.G., Marquand, A.F., Vidal-Piñeiro, D., Roe, J., Selbæk, G., Sørensen, Ø., Smith, S.M., Westlye, L.T. Wolfers, & T., Wang, Y. (2022) Deep learning models learn general and disease-relevant representations of the ageing brain based on T1-weighted MRI data.

  24. de Lange, A-M.G., Anatürk, M.„ Rokicki, J., Han, L.K.M., Franke, K., Alnæs, D., Ebmeier, K., Draganski, B., Kaufmann, T., Westlye, L. T. Hahn, T. & Cole, J. H. (2022) Mind the gap: performance metric evaluation in brain-age prediction.

  25. Subramaniapillai, S, Suri, S., Barth, C., Maximov, I. I., Voldsbekk, I., van der Meer, D., Gurholt, T.P., Beck, D., Andreassen O.A., Draganski, B., Ebmeier, K., Westlye, L.T. & de Lange, A-M.G. (2022) Sex- and age-specific associations between cardiometabolic risk and white matter brain age in the UK Biobank cohort.

  26. Rokicki, J, Kaufmann, T., de Lange, A-M.G, van der Meer, D., Sartorius, A., Steen, N.E., Schwarz, E., Stein, D., Nærland, T., Andreassen, O.A., Westlye, L.T., & Quintana, D. (2022) Spatio-temporal alterations of oxytocin receptor expression in the human brain across development. 

  27. Beck, D., de Lange, A-M.G., Alnæs, D., Maximov, I., Pedersen, M. L., Leinhard, O. D., Linge, J., Simon, R.,Richard, G., Ulrichsen, K.M., K.M., Dørum, E., KolskaÌŠr, K., Sander, A-M., Winterton, A., Gurholt, T., Kaufmann, T., Stten, N. E., Nordvik, J.E., Andreassen, O.A. & Westlye, L. T. (2022) Adipose tissue distribution from body MRI is associated with cross-sectional and longitudinal brain age in adults. 

  28. Lund, M., Alnæs, D., de Lange, A-M.G., Andreassen, O.A., Westlye, L.T., & Kaufmann, T. (2021) Brain age prediction using fMRI network coupling in youths and associations with psychiatric symptoms. 

  29. Beck, D., de Lange, A-M.G., Pedersen, M. L., Alnæs, Maximov, I., Voldsbekk, I., D., Richard, G., Sanders, A-M., Ulrichsen, K.M., Dørum, E., KolskaÌŠr, K., Høgestøl, E. A., Steen, N. E., Djurovic, S., Andreassen, O.A., Nordvik, J.E., Kaufmann, T. & Westlye, L. T. (2021) Cardiometabolic risk factors associated with brain age and accelerated brain ageing

  30. Winterton, A, Bettella, F., de Lange, A-M.G., Haram, M., Steen, N.E., Westlye, L.T., Andreassen, O.A., & Quintana, D. (2021) Oxytocin pathway polygenic risk scores for severe mental disorder and metabolic phenotypes in the UK Biobank.

  31. Jansen, M. G., Griffanti, L., Mackay, C. E, Anatürk, M., Melazzini, L., de Lange, A-M.G., Filippini, N., Zsoldos, E., Wiegertjes, K., de Leeuw, F.E., Singh-Manoux, A., Kivimäki, M., Ebmeier, K.P.,& Suri, S. T. Association of cerebral small vessel disease burden with brain structure and vascular and cognitive trajectories in mid-to-late life. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism. 

  32. de Lange, A-M.G., Kaufmann, T., Quintana, D.S., Winterton, A., Andreassen, O. A., Westlye, L. T., & Ebmeier, K. (2021) Prominent health problems, socioeconomic deprivation, and higher brain age in lonely and isolated individuals: A population-based study. Behavioural Brain Research. 

  33. Sanders, A-M., Richard, G., KolskaÌŠr, K., Ulrichsen, K., Kaufmann, T., Alnæs, D., Beck, D., Dørum, E. S., de Lange, A-M.G., Nordvik, J.E., & Westlye, L. T. (2021) Linking brain structure with objective measures of physical activity and capability in healthy adults aged 65 to 89 years.

  34. Voldsbekk, I., Barth, C., Maximov, I. I., Kaufmann, T., Beck, D., Richard, G., Moberget, T., Westlye, L. T & de Lange, A-M.G. (2021) A history of previous childbirths is linked to women’s white matter brain age in midlife and older age. 

  35. Maximov, I. I., van der Meer, D., de Lange, A-M.G., Kaufmann, T., Shadrin, A., Frei, O., Wolfers, T., Westlye, L. T. (2021) Fast qualitY conTrol meThod foR derIved diffUsion Metrics (YTTRIUM) in big data analysis: UK Biobank 18608 example. 

  36. de Lange, A-M.G., Jacobs, E. G. & Galea, L.A.M (2021) Editorial: The scientific body of knowledge: Whose body does it serve? A spotlight on women’s brain health. 

  37. 14. Beck, D, de Lange, A-M.G, Maximov, I., Andreassen, O. A., Nordvik, J. E., & Westlye, L. T. (2021) White matter microstruc- ture across the adult lifespan: A mixed longitudinal and cross-sectional study using advanced diffusion models and brain-age prediction

  38. Hellstrøm, T., Andelic, N., Helseth, E., Eikli, K., de Lange, A-M.G., & Westlye, L. T. (2021) Apolipoprotein e4 status and brain structure 12 months after mild traumatic injury: brain age prediction using brain morphometry and diffusion tensor imaging. 

  39. Anatürk, M., Kaufmann, T., Cole, J.H., Suri, S., Griffanti, L., Filippini, N., Zsoldos, E., Westlye, T., Ebmeier, K. & de Lange, A-M.G. (2020) Prediction of brain age and cognitive age: quantifying cognitive reserve and brain maintenance in aging. 

  40. Barth, C., Nerland, S., de Lange, A-M.G, Wortinger, L. A., Hilland, E., Andreassen, O.A., Jørgensen, K. N., & Agartz, I. (2020) In vivo amygdala nuclei volumes across the schizophrenia-bipolar spectrum. 

  41. de Lange, A-M.G, Barth, C., Kaufmann, T., Anatürk, Suri, S., M., Ebmeier, K. P., & Westlye, L. T. (2020) The maternal brain: region-specific patterns of brain aging are traceable decades after childbirth.

  42. Barth, C. & de Lange, A-M.G. (2020) Towards an understanding of womens brain aging: the immunology of pregnancy and menopause.

  43. Rokicki, J., Wolfers, T., Nordhøy, W., Teslia, N., Quintana, D. S., Alnæs, D., Richard, G., de Lange, A-M.G., Lund, M. J., Nor- bom, L., Agartz, I., Melle, I., Nærland, T., Selbækh, G., Persson, K., Nordvik, J. E., Schwarz, E., Andreassen, O. A., Kaufmann, T., & Westlye, L. T. (2020) Multimodal imaging improves brain age prediction and reveals distinct abnormalities in patients with psychiatric and neurological disorders. 

  44. de Lange, A-M.G, Anatürk, M., Kaufmann, T., Cole, J., Griffanti, L., Zsoldos, E., Jensen, D., Suri, S., Filippini, N., Singh-Manoux, A., Kivimäki, M., Westlye, L. T., & Ebmeier, K. (2020) Multimodal brain-age prediction and cardiovascular risk: The Whitehall II MRI study

  45. Walhovd, K.B., BraÌŠthen, A.C.S., Panizzon., M.S, Mowinckel, A. M., Sørensen, Ø., de Lange, A-M.G., Krogsrud, S. K., HaÌŠberg, A., Franz, C., Kremen, W. & Fjell, A. M. (2020) Within-session verbal learning slope is predictive of lifespan delayed recall, hippocampal volume, and memory training benefit, and is heritable. 

  46. de Lange A-M.G*, Barth, C*., Kaufmann. Maximov, I., van der Meer, D., T., Agartz, I., & Westlye, L. T. (2020) Women’s brain aging: effects of sex-hormone exposure, pregnancies, and genetic risk for Alzheimer’s disease. *joint first authorship.

  47. de Lange, A-M.G & Cole, J.H. (2020) Commentary: Correction procedures in brain-age prediction. 

  48. BraÌŠthen, A.C.S., de Lange, A-M.G., Fjell, A.M. & Walhovd, K.B. (2020) Risk- and protective factors for memory plasticity in aging.

  49. Tønnesen, S., Kaufmann,T., de Lange, A-M.G., Richard, G, Doan, N. T., Alnæs, D., van der Meer, D., Rokicki, J., Moberget, T., Maximov., I. I., Agartz, I., Aminoff, S. R., Beck, D., Barch, D., Beresniewicz, J., Cervenka, S., Bergman, H. F., Craven, A. R., Flyckt, L., Gurholt, T. P., Haukvik, U. K., Hugdahl, K., Johnsen, E., Jönsson, E. G., KolskaÌŠr, K. K., Kompus, K., Kroken, R. A., Lagerberg, T. V., Løberg, E. M., Nordvik, J E., Sanders, A. M., Ulrichsen, K., Andreassen, O. A., Westlye, L. T. (2020) Brain age prediction reveals aberrant brain white matter in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder: A multi-sample diffusion tensor imaging study. 

  50. de Lange, A-M.G., Kaufmann, T., van de Meer, D., Maglanoc, L., Alnæs, D., Moberget, T., Douaud, G., Andreassen, O.A., & Westlye, L.T. (2019) Population-based neuroimaging reveals traces of childbirth in the maternal brain


©2024 by FemiLab

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